Salmon (fresh and dehydrated)
A source of highly digestible, nutritious, and flavorful proteins consisting primarily of Atlantic salmon flesh. Salmon offers a high level of Lysine, Arginine and Leucine, three essential amino acids important for maintaining muscles, organs, and metabolism. It is also an excellent source of high-quality fat, especially Omega-3 fatty acids (ADH and EPA) that promote a soft, silky coat and healthy skin.
One of the most sustainable marine source in the world, the unique nutritional advantage of Antarctic krill is the superior bioavailability of its Omega-3s, which are not all created equal. This tiny crustacean is naturally rich in Omega-3s, choline, proteins, and the antioxidant astaxanthin.
Carrots are well known low-calorie and low-fat root vegetable offering excellent source of soluble fiber that can help maintain firm stools. They also provide excellent concentration of Beta-Carotene, a carotenoid that is an antioxidant and a precursor to Vitamin A. Carrots that are included in a cooked food provide all nutritional benefit to pets, dogs especially.
Eggs, whole
Source of highly digestible proteins from fresh eggs, offering a high level of fat as well. Eggs have the highest Biological Value of any protein source, with a 100 percent score as they contain all the essential amino acids (those that must be present in food as they cannot be produced at all or in sufficient quantities by the body to meet requirements), and elements necessary for the creation of an entire living being
*Biological Value (B.V.) is defined as the relationship (%) between quantity of the nutrient (protein) absorbed and the amount used and held in the animal’s body. It is evaluated according to the amount of essential amino acids «E.A.A.» present versus the amount of nonessential amino acids «N.E.A.A.». The more E.A.A. present, the higher the B.V.
Eggs, whites
Source of highly digestible proteins from fresh eggs without fat (no yolk). Eggs have the highest Biological Value of any protein source, with a 100 percent score as they contain all the essential amino.
Coconut oil
This oil is extracted from coconut flesh, whose fat content is almost 35 percent, and contains a high level of healthy saturated fat (85 percent to 90 percent) in the form of essential fatty acids with medium chains, mainly lauric acid. This fatty acid, a triglyceride, can help boost metabolism and help vitality by providing an excellent level of energy. Thereby increasing tone and participating in the process of healing and resistance to disease, all by stimulating the synthesis of a hormone, pregnenolone. Coconut oil through lauric acid can also help maintain optimal digestive functions while helping to achieve a balanced blood sugar level by improving glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.
Brown rice
Rice is the most widely grown cereal in the world after wheat. Brown rice is a whole grain rice that still contains bran and germ, has a higher content of fiber, minerals, and B-complex vitamins. It is the most nutritious of rice, because only the bark has been removed. It is a source of highly digestible carbohydrates containing very low level of fibers (shelled grains).
Oat flour
Oat is a source of highly digestible carbohydrates containing a good level of fiber that aids digestive system functions. It may also help maintain a good level of energy by its influence on blood sugar level as well as on the cardio-vascular system.
Plant extracts (Golden Flex – Nat-Phen Nutrition)
This combination of plant extracts offers a solution that may help reduce your dog’s inflammation and pain related to joint health issues. It makes them recover faster after efforts based on a specific blend of anti-inflammatory polyphenols, resulting in healthier and more comfortable dogs. Polyphenols are molecules produced by plants that are naturally present in ingredients such as blueberries, apples, red fruits, citrus, mint, chamomile, and many other plants. They are an important source of antioxidants partly because they have a chemical structure ideal to absorb free radicals. Polyphenols present in fruits are more powerful antioxidants than vitamins. Some specific polyphenol molecules act as powerful anti-inflammatory element, fighting muscular pain and inflammation naturally, and allowing for faster muscular recovery. Polyphenol molecules are phytochemical compounds showing also antibacterial and antifungal properties as they may help improve immune response against viruses and bad bacteria.
The following plant extracts and essential oils present in Golden Flex work together for ease of mobility:
licorice extract, Spanish thyme, locus bean concentrate, green (matcha) tea extract, eugenol oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, citrus oil, menthol, grape seed extract, anise seed extract, ginger extract, turmeric extract.